Facebook Mafia Wars Growing Your Family

Facebook Mafia Wars Growing Your Family

Increasing Family Size Increases Strength

Mafia's have a hierarchy that is followed closely. - el Torero
Mafia's have a hierarchy that is followed closely. - el Torero
Increasing Mafia Family Size in FB Mafia Wars increases the strength of the family in fights and for jobs. Adding to the Family is easy if players know where to look.
Mafia in and of itself is a term used to define a group of people involved in various criminal activities. It would therefore stand to reason that Facebook Mafia Wars players would want to grow their family as large as possible. Increasing the size of the mafia family naturally increases its strength in fights. Additionally, some jobs require a certain number of family members to perform.
Growing the mafia family is not hard just time consuming. Mafia family members come from the player’s friend list. So naturally players will want to invite as many people as possible to be friends that also play Mafia Wars. It doesn’t help much to go around inviting strangers to be friends if they aren’t going to play Mafia.

Finding Mafia Wars Players to Friend

Knowing where to find people willing to accept a Friend invitation and a Mafia Wars invitation makes growing the Mafia Family much easier and faster to do. There are several places to find players willing to accept friend invitations.
  • Facebook Pages: Type “Mafia Wars” into the search box on Facebook and then choose to view only Pages. The resulting pages are all dedicated to Mafia Wars and most of them are strictly dedicated to adding players to Mafia Families throughout Facebook.
  • Online Articles Sites: Article directories such as Suite 101 and Associated Content carry many articles related to Mafia Wars play such as Facebook Mafia War Cheats and Facebook Mafia Wars Collections. These articles will oftentimes have comments left by Mafia Wars players looking for people to be in their Mafia Family.
  • Websites: Websites dedicated to Mafia Wars game play have forums for players to leave Facebook information in order to be added to other Mafia Families. Some sites also offer guides that contain listings of players wanting to join Mafia Families.
Players who want to grow their Mafia Family but don’t want to have hundreds of people in their Facebook Friend list can delete the Mafia Family players from the Friend List after they have accepted the Mafia Wars Family invitation. This leaves the player in the Mafia Family but removes them from the Friend list.

This is good information to know since people in the Facebook Community receive updates on Friends status and other information. Having hundreds of updates to scroll through in order to find relative ones can be a hassle.
Growing the Facebook Mafia Wars Family involves a little time in finding the listings of players who also want to grow their Mafia Family and in sending out invitations to first be a Friend and then to join the Family. The resulting large Family increases gameplay strength for fighting other families and for performing jobs.